Sunday, January 29, 2006

Day 44 Noah looked out of the arkansas...

In case you might have been wondering, Arkansas is the only state we know of which is mentioned in the Bible (well, sort of). I'm getting close to the half way point before I go for my 100 day check-up at Mayo. Of course, Noah was looking for some dry land. I'm looking for a complete response. I suppose maybe Noah and I do sort of have something in common.

Well, I continue to feel pretty good. My white blood cell count is slightly below normal which makes me somewhat immune suppressed and causes me to be quite a bit germphobic. My red blood cell count is low which means I continue to be anemic which makes my energy level a bit low. I spent my first full week at work last week working half days. There has been no shortage of things to do thank goodness.

I went to see my local oncologist last week. My Mayo Clinic oncologist wanted me to start back on Zometa and begin an inhaled antibiotic. I got a Zometa infusion last week and will start the inhaled antibiotic next week. The antibiotic is supposed to protect me against getting pneumonia. I don't think it is necessary but the doctors insist. Since I almost died with pneumonia five years ago, I am inclined to acquiesce.


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