Friday, January 13, 2006

Day 28 at Home

Well, we finally made it home. Being at home seems to make a big difference in recovery. I don't know if there is a significant difference between home and 900 miles away at the clinic during the first fifteen days or so when stem cells are ingrafting. But, I've been here two days and I seem to feel much better and my appetite seems to have improved.

Postings to this blog page will likely be greatly reduced from now on because I am home and there is less going on therapy wise to keep everyone informed about. However, I may post something every now and then.

There is something I wanted to comment about concerning our stay at the Gift of Life Transplant House. We met many people all of whom were extremely nice to us. We all had at least one thing in common first and foremost, a struggle for life. We met people who were waiting for liver donors so they could have a liver transplant. Others were waiting for multiple organs such as kidney and heart for transplant. Some were back at the clinic who previously had a transplant but were experiencing difficulties. We met several multiple myeloma patients who were back for a second stem cell transplant. We met a couple who was there so the wife could receive a stem cell transplant for amyloid disease which had deposited protein in her heart. Amyloidosis is an extremely rare disease even more rare than myeloma. Of course, everyone who was at the Transplant House had a treatable disease so we didn't meet anyone with an untreatable disease. We will always remember our time at the Transplant House but we are sure glad to be back home!


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