Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Returning Home

Finally, after more weeks than I care to count, we are going home! We will be in Troy, MO Tomorrow night. We will be in Columbus, MS very late Thursday. I will be at work for an hour or two Tuesday.

My transplant doctor said I look real good. She said I look better than some she sees at the exit visit. That was encouraging. She also said they were required to do electrophoresis testing but they ignore those numbers. She said the only numbers that are significant are the ones they collect when I return for my 100 day check-up end of March. That too was encouraging.

I thank God for all the successes and better than average outcomes I have had during this process. I also thank all those praying for me because God is listening and responding. May God bless you all. I can never repay all the kindnesses which have been shown me and Vinita during the battle with cancer while we were away here at Mayo. But that's not going to stop me from trying every chance I get :)


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