Friday, January 06, 2006

On The Mend

I don't have much time so this will have to be short. They are now letting me have jello, broth, clear liquid, etc. I'm not sore like I was so maybe the diverticulitus (sp?) is gone. They will do another CT scan maybe Monday. I expect I will be in the hospital through the weekend and maybe a couple days next week too. I am getting better and will be much happy to depart the hospital but am glad I am here getting treated rather than out there continuing with an infection my body is ill equipped to fight.

In case you may have heard I had the flu several weeks back, that is not correct. After the chemo kicked in, I FELT like I had the flu times ten.

Later... they removed the Hickman catheter about noon today. It was infected so it had to go. I'm now equipped with a regular IV in my arm. I have also graduated to a "full" liquid diet as opposed to a "clear" liquid diet. Getting the old digestive machine going again is another nice challenge. I watch Emeral Live just to torment myself - ha.


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