Thursday, December 29, 2005

Day 13 - The Weather

I suppose I am a bit over due talking about the weather. We are currently experiencing temperatures which are ten degrees above seasonal norms for Minnesota. Snow on the ground and roof tops is melting away more and more every day. We are beginning to see patches of grass in places. The sky has remained overcast with light ground fog for days.

There is a lot of concern about this and rightfully so. The earth is slowly warming up and we are getting less cool weather. However, that is just fine with me for now. After we leave Iowa/Minnesota they can have all the arctic blasting and snow their little hearts' desire. I much prefer a high of 33 degrees over that of 7 degrees. The weather guy said the other night, this weather pattern shows no sigh of letting up any time soon due to a flow from the Pacific. He said we need an arctic front to come in and sweep all the clouds and cool damp weather away. That translates into more snow and 7 degree highs.

I remember when I was a kid growing up in El Dorado, AR, we could count on snow almost every year. I suppose by the time I was in Junior High School, the snow came less and less often. I remember wearing heavy coats and shivering at football games in September when we first moved to Columbus, MS. Now you might have to wear a heavy coat in November.

Also, I remember living in Waukegan, IL while I was in the Navy during the winter. The snow plows would create great twenty foot dunes of dirty snow that would sit on the sides of the roads until the spring thaw. People around here say it used to be the same way here but now all you get at most is a pile here and there six feet tall at best which soon begins to melt away. We don't have any of those big huge piles now and most all the sidewaks are clear too.

Well, that's your latest weather report from your hippie dippie weather man. Stay tuned for more action later.


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