Thursday, December 15, 2005

DAY -1 12/15/05

Same song second verse. I got another bag of lethal chemo this morning. All went well except station 9-4 called a while ago and told me my hemocrit was low so they want me to come back and get two units of blood (two hours each). I'll get that started around 3:30 this afternoon.

We only got a little additional snow. I think the official estimate ranges from five to seven inches depending on which expert you ask. They did close the schools around here so you know it was significant. As far as the major roads go, it is amazing what a kiloton of salt spread appropriately will do to a Minnesota blizzard! The side streets are a little less healed but the heavily traveled main streets are pretty much clear.

I'll be "tied up" pretty much all day and then some tomorrow and they tell me I will be pretty well worn out so there may not be a "DAY 0" update which is fitting because there isn't really a day 0. For that matter, there isn't a day -1 or -2 either but we like the way it sounds so we keep using it. So stick this in for day 0 then. I'll be tied up all day, probably, but you never know.

Another point you might want to jot down, my daughter who resides with her husband Cap'n. Matt in Okinawa, Japan is due to have our first GRAND daughter, Miss. Shelby Page, I predict right about now because of the full moon but if not right about now then shortly. You all please say a little prayer for the three of them and Matt's grandmother who we all love, admire, and adore who has traveled over to the Ryukyuan Kingdom of old from sunny Utah to be with them during the blessed event.

Stay tuned for further developments.


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