Monday, December 12, 2005

Next Phase 12/12/05

Today is a day the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it. Of course it is very easy to be happy and glad when you are feeling good. You might not be feeling too good right now and not feeling too much like rejoicing but it is the thought that counts.

The duty nurse coordinator gave me a verbal itinerary for the week. We start with a visit with a surgeon to discuss "installing" a central line (probably a Hickman). You can read all about it at the following web site.

The port gets installed tomorrow. I expect to be knocked out from the anesthesia most all day. Wednesday and Thursday they plan on administering high dose Melphalan. Friday they will infuse some of the stem cells they collected earlier. Then we wait for the stem cells to engraft over the next several days.


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