Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Two Million and Counting 11/30/05

Today was my first day to collect stem cells. I spent five hours connected to a machine. I had to lay in bed with one arm straight and they told me not to move it. That pretty much narrowed my activities to watching TV and sleeping. Since I just got out of bed and had coffee not thirty minutes ago, sleeping was pretty much out of the question except toward the end close to noon when my blood sugar was beginning to wane. I guess the stem cell collection process must take it out of you so to speak because I haven't felt too frisky since. They called this afternoon and said they collected 1.8 million. On the one hand, a million is a big number especially if you are talking about dollars. On the other hand, when you are aiming at nine million and talking about something microscopic in size, 1.8 million sounds kind of puny. Oh well, tomorrow is another day... and the next day, and the next....

Stay tuned as usual for further developments.


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