Sunday, November 27, 2005

Heat Wave 11/27/05

Only a few short days after the snow and we are having forty degree weather! The snow is rapidly melting. The streets are clear for the most part. We went to one of the local super markets, Hi Vee, and bought groceries yesterday. We also went to Kmart and took advantage of the huge discounts. We decided we better get out while the getting is good because the forecast is for more snow middle or end of next week. Monday is supposed to be pretty much same as today temperature wise. Then Tuesday back into the deep freeze with lows in the twenties, winds 15 to 20 MPH, and 60% chance of snow with accumulations of one inch. Thursday lows in the teens. I love it.

Today we have heavy fog due to "warm" temperature over cold ground. It is the kind of fog that will get you wet as you travel through it. We did some sight seeing in north Rochester after lunch. We could see the stores along the sides of the road but that is about all. We passed the IBM building but could only see the sign out front. I am told it is a big blue colored glass building. That is about what you would expect from IBM -- Big Blue.

Medically, things have been a bit slow over the weekend but will pick back up beginning early Monday. They started me on a medication Friday which causes my white blood cells to increase in order to get maximum number of stem cells later when they collect them. I get two injections in my abdomen every day until Tuesday. Sounds interesting doesn't it.

We are getting ready to go to worship service at the church building across the street. I'll try to give you another update tomorrow.


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