Tuesday, November 22, 2005

First two days at Mayo Clinic

I have been so busy with tests at the clinic and moving into the room I haven't had much of a chance to write until now. Last August I had some tests but that was nothing compared with this. I've had about double the number of tests and the ones like the MRI that have been repeats were more extensive. I'm supposed to visit with Dr. Haymen tomorrow and get the results of the tests. I am getting a bit anxious about that.

There is no shortage of sick people. It seems like there are more people here now than back in the summer. We thought the winter and the holidays would slow things down some but apparently we thought wrong. The Transplant House apparently stays full and we feel very blessed to have gotten a room. It has about 50 rooms.

So far, everything has gone very well. They have a couple of malls here and stores down town. We have been to WalMart twice. We bought two turkey breasts for our part of the pot luck Thanksgiving lunch at the Transplant House. There are three kitchens and we get refrigerator and freezer space so we can prepare our own meals. We still haven't gotten settled in enough to do much of that though. We did prepare our own breakfast this morning.

Someone commented today that there is usually a blanket of snow by Thanksgiving but so far this year any snow that has fallen has melted off. It has been fairly cold in the mornings and by Mississippi standards, cold during the day too. However, it is going to get colder eventually.

I'm kind of tired so this is about all for now. I'll try to update you tomorrow on what we decide about the transplant. I am anxious to find out what they say about my urinary tract problem and how that will affect plans.


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