Monday, December 19, 2005

DAY 3 12/19/05

Today was pretty much like yesterday--- go get blood tests, get examined, get sent on my way until tomorrow or something like dehydration or low red blood cell count causes them to call me back in for a drip. I have to take a dozen pills to keep bacteria and fungus from being a problem in addition to the three pills to help keep my stomach on an even keel. That works fair most of the time but still a constant battle with gas and discomfort. It is becoming a real chore to find food I can eat but so far staying fed as much as possible. They say this gets worse over the next several days so we may be skipping some days on the blog unless I am feeling especially good or something comes up I feel a strong urge to write about.

We have received a ton of cards and letters which we want everyone to know we appreciate the thoughts and prayers going with each one of them.

Enjoy the season!


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