Wednesday, April 22, 2009

A Cancer Cure

It has been a while since I posted anything. My condition continues to be pretty much the same which is a good thing but still wish I was at a point where I could stop taking the expensive cancer drug.

Regarding the cure for cancer, rest assured, there WILL be a cure and it WILL be very, very expensive unless someone discovers something that is common and universally available to everyone like Curcumen. Then it will become scarce because of massive demand unless a drug company can patent a synthetic, then it will be expensive again.

I don't expect to see a cancer cure in my lifetime. However, if there ever was in the past or is in the future a cure for cancer, word will get out and there will be a mass exodus demanding a cure.

When Jesus, who could raise the dead and heal the sick (like really incurably sick with leprosy), walked the earth, there was no TV or internet to spread the word about Him overnight. I suppose if there was, Jesus would have been pretty much immobilized by the masses seeking a cure. As it was, word got out about his abilities. I am sure only a small percentage of the population got the news about his ability to heal but enough so wherever he went, crowds formed when they found out he was in town. Some even knew enough about it to know all they had to do was to touch him or ask him, he didn't even have to be present to heal someone (or raise them from the dead).

I think the cure for cancer will be like that. No one will be able to cover it up or hide it. If the slightest bit of information leaks out that this stuff or that thing has been proven to cure cancer and it ACTUALLY does cure cancer, a mob the likes of which has never been seen since the first century will swarm the new cancer messiah. Of course, Jesus was free. If the drug companies offer a cure, the mob will be cut to it's knees due to the extreme expense of treatment.

Rest assured, a cure will be found and it will most likely be extremely expensive.


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