Thursday, November 27, 2008

Emory Winship Cancer Institute

As I mentioned in a previous post and detailed in several posts describing the ordeal we had with traveling, we were motivated to try to find a Multiple Myeloma specialist closer to home.

Several months ago, an article in the Multiple Myelome Researdh Foundation newsletter caught my attention. It was an announcement that Dr. Sagar Loneal was accepting grant money on behalf of Emory University Cancer Center for Multiple Myeloma research. I did some research on Dr. Loneal which revealed a specialist who was involved in research and trying to help Emory gain National Cancer Center status. Emory is no Mayo Clinic and I will miss Mayo and my doctor at Mayo but we feel I will get better care all things considered at Emory. Therefore, after visiting with Dr. Loneal a few weeks ago, we have decided to make a move to Emory for semi-annual checkups. It takes two days to drive to Rochester and five hours to drive to Atalnta. I did the math :)

If you have any advice, encouragement, or discouragement about Emory, I would love to hear about it.

Thanks for stopping by - more later...


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