Saturday, June 07, 2008

Stand Up to Cancer

Please visit this web site:

It has been said, "There will not be a cure for cancer because there is no money in it. After all, look what happened to Polio. They will find a way to allow us to live with cancer. As long as you pay, you live." - paraphrase of an excerpt from a Chris Rock comedy show.

I have thought this for a long time and was amazed to see someone say it on TV - even more amazed to see Chris Rock say it. I am sure there are a lot of us who have arrived at this conclusion. However, if you want to get a bit of a different spin on cure-for-cancerism, please visit the above web site. Standup2cancer is being cosponsored by the Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation. Read the excerpt from the MMRF SmartBrief newsletter as follows...

"The MMRF is proud to partner with the three major television networks, the American Association of Cancer Research, and many others representing cancer advocacy, the entertainment and sports industries, and corporate organizations on this new initiative to raise philanthropic dollars for accelerating ground-breaking research. Get more information here."


I have long realized that if we found a universal cure for cancer tomorrow that was "affordable" to all, the medical "industry" would be immediately devastated. As I am sure you are aware, there are a huge number of extremely high paying jobs associated with cancer.

Being the somewhat astute economics student, I have concluded there is no reason there can't be some money in a cure for cancer. The treatment and its administration could be so expensive that it would more than make up for any losses due to displacements caused by the cure.

Therefore, it is conceivable curing polio was just a lesson to us. It is conceivable there will be a cure for cancer, it just won't be "affordable."


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