Thursday, March 18, 2010

The BIG 60

Well, almost. It doesn't happen for me until May. Coincidentaly, it also happens for my two brothers-in-law soon. Therefore, our wives planned a surprise group B-Day party for us old codgers out in Artesia, NM. I can hear Stan now, "Speak for yourself." He actually turned 60 last week so that was the excuse to get us all together, a happy 60 party for Stan. But it was a happy 60 party for the three of us, what a surprise! It was also a nice winter vacation in early March just in the knick of time befor the spring break crowd forms in mass.

We left Columbus Friday and drove to Texarkana to my wife's sister's house. We ate dinner almost at closing of one of the local buffet's. I suppose I failed to be vigilent enough with hand sanitizer. The food was mostly fried catfish, frog legs, and otherr items which lent themselves to eating with hands. Boy, did I learn not to do that again. I picked up some sort of bug. No one else got sick and we all ate the same food at the same table so I know my getting sick was related to my low white blood cell count due to cancer drugs. About 3 AM Saturday, I got up to get a drink odf water. I got a long cold drink from a bottle of water from the refrigerator.

Almost immediately, I went into a neutropenic fever which lasted for about an hour. I had a fever of about 102 but fealt like I was freezing and shivered uncontrollably. Not fun. We had to drive across Texas Saturday so I managed to get myself up and in the car for traveling. We got in at Artesia real late. I checked my temperature real quick and immediately collapsed into bed. I don't think I got around until about noon. The b-Day party was scheduled to happen so I drug myself out of bed, took some tylenol, and had fun with the rest of us. Obviously, I didn't feel as good as the rest of us. I started feeling bettter when we went to Ruidoso.

Here are some pictures from the party:

The three (old) amigos:

Stanley Donald McKee (championship golfer)

Jack Clark Long, Jr. (Mr. Know it All)

John Adger Smith, Jr. (Chief, Cook, and Bottle Washer of par excellance performance engines)

Fourth generation picture. Grandma's and grandpa's on the left. The young and babies on the right. I have confidence we will advance to fifth generation soon.

The Grand Collage:

Ruidoso, NM. (Noisy River) In The Mountains:


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