Thursday, October 04, 2012

Seven Years

Well, I must admit it has been few and far between lately.  If someone had told me back in 2006 after my failed stem cell transplant I would survive seven years post diagnosis, I would have been somewhat sceptical but quite a bit over joyed.  Hopefully, I can keep up this survival thing for a good long time.

If you read the "Five Year" post, you will notice we were trying to reduce medication dosages.  I've been on 10 mg Revlimid for a couple of years now.  I am now under the care of an Endocrinologist at UAB who is helping me get off Dexamethasone.  We aren't completely sure that can be done.  I'm down to 2 mg twice a week.  My white blood cell count is also down a bit and monoclonal protein up a bit from about 150 mg/dl to around 250 mg/dl.  I don't really like seeing the para protein go up ANY but I suppose that is the price I pay to get off the dex.

If you have been following my blog, perhaps you recall I had damage caused to my left hip by a plasma cytoma, steroid use, and radiation.  That finally required total hip replacement and reconstructive surgery 1/24/2012.  I suppose I should consider myself lucky I got seven years out of the joint before requiring replacement.  Dr. Herrick J. Siegel of UAB Highlands is the Orthopedic Oncologist who did the procedure.  My hip replacement is almost back to "normal" but I suppose it will be a while longer before I don't notice it at all.

My wonderful daughter bought one of those mall helicopters as a 2010 Christmas peasant for me.  That is all it took for me to get fully involved in the Radio Controlled (RC) Helicopter Hobby.  I suppose I need a hobby.  It helps me keep my mind off other things.  This hobby is relatively inexpensive and it is fun.  Electric helicopters are described by the length of the blades in millimeters.  A blade length of 300mm is approximately one foot.  A 450 class heli would have blades approximately 450 mm in length.  My helicopter collection includes three micro heli's; four 200 class helis which include one coaxial with lots of lights for night flying, one three blade collective pitch, one four blade fixed pitch, and my favorite two blade fixed pitch.  I have one 400 class and one 450.  Last but certainly not least is the HK(mostly Align)600-GT.  The blades are approximately four feet from one end to the other.  I built this one from a kit.  It is an awesome experience flying this one.